Start Here! What Happened that Forced me to Start this Cause
Start Here! What Happened that Forced me to Start this Cause How To Help / Contact Info / What Happened that Forced me to Start this Cause. Explanation first, then prayer request below. Thanks! We need help - if you wish to give a love gift large or small, please contact Liz or Caz for our bank details , Or click the How To Help link to find other ways to help. SAVE SHEILA'S LIFE CAUSE THE BASIC INFO Thanks for taking the time to read this. Will you help me save my Mothers life? (I'll be publishing prayer requests with each blog post, and also links to our needs lists) This page is a summary of why I have created this appeal to Save Sheila's Life. Sheila is in mortal danger. Sheila lives with me, her daughter, in South Africa. Despite being entitled to free medical assistance from our local government medical facilities, there is additional care she urgently needs that they are unable to ...